Thursday 15 March 2012

Utility Street Poles

Utility poles are used to hold street lights and other electric equipments like switch board etc. Different type of materials are used to manufactured street poles, in some areas galvanized steel is used to prevent rust in poles especially in the cities which are neared to Seas or have lot of rains throughout the year. 

Street poles are generally used to support power lines and related equipments such as transformers etc along with street lights. Street poles are also used by advertising purposed in different areas of the world. It looks really good to see the advertising banners in street poles which really attract every ones attentions.

Utility poles are usually used as the primary groundwork for most of community designs such as table lamp poles, light indication poles or even power line poles and phone poles. These poles are usually situated in outside places under climate and atmosphere results. Therefore, there are many specifications for these poles because they are the groundwork. If they failure, the whole framework will failure too. Extents Lighting style has put lots of initiatives and specifications for our workers to make top quality products that can please our specifications as well as consumers’. They are requested for the capability of status still and constant in hard climate, also the durability in any period of time.

Street poles have been in used since the 19th centuries with different purposes as a utility pole.  Utility poles are usually used to take two types of electric power lines; distribution lines and sub transmission lines.  In order to save space in urban areas, a distribution line is frequently passed on the same poles as a sub transmission line but mounted under the higher voltage lines.

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